West Nile Fever

Last Modified: Fri, 07 Jul 2023 15:28:50 IST
Disease name West Nile Fever
Animal Health Law Category if applicable E
Species affected Multiple(not specified)
Description WNF is caused by West Nile Virus. The disease is primarily spread by vectors such as mosquitos with birds as reservoir hosts and humans and horses as spill over hosts. a mosquito-borne virus that can circulate amongst birds (main reservoir host) but can also affect humans and horses. Since the 1990s WNF has become an important human and veterinary pathogen globally. WNF in horses (and other mammals) will cause fever and severe neurological disease (weakness, paralysis, convulsions) Approx. 80% of infected humans will display no clinical signs, 20% will have flu like symptoms. WNF can be fatal to humans. There is a vaccine available for horses.
Status in Ireland Absent
Date of Last known case of disease in Ireland Never reported
DAFM Division Responsible NDCC
Contact ndcc@agriculture.gov.ie
S.I. No. 130/2016 - Notification and Control of Diseases affecting Terrestrial Animals (No. 2) Regulations 2016. (irishstatutebook.ie)
Link to relevant external website
Notifiable in Ireland Yes
WOAH Listed Yes
WOAH Link https://www.woah.org/en/disease/west-nile-fever/