Avian infectious bronchitis

Last Modified: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:01:33 IST
Disease name Avian infectious bronchitis
Animal Health Law Category if applicable N/A
Species affected Avian
Description Avian infectious bronchitis is a highly contagious worldwide disease of poultry. It affects the respiratory and renal systems. The most important route of transmission is by aerosols and spread of infection occurs rapidly among susceptible birds.
Status in Ireland Present
Date of Last known case of disease in Ireland N/A
DAFM Division Responsible VPHPPH
Contact pigandpoultryhealth@agriculture.gov.ie
Link to relevant external website
Notifiable in Ireland No
WOAH Listed Yes
WOAH Link https://www.woah.org/en/disease/avian-infectious-bronchitis/