Equine encephalomyelitis (Western)

Last Modified: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 14:42:30 IST
Disease name Equine encephalomyelitis (Western)
Animal Health Law Category if applicable E
Species affected Equidae
Description Western equine encephalomyelitis (WEE) is a potentially fatal mosquito-borne disease that affects equids (horses, mules, donkeys & zebras) and humans. Disease has mostly been reported in the Americas, where birds and mosquitoes are considered the principal reservoir of infection. WEE causes disease in humans, causing flu-like symptoms or neurological disease, with occasional human fatalities reported. A vaccine is available for equines.
Status in Ireland Absent
Date of Last known case of disease in Ireland Never Reported
DAFM Division Responsible NDCC
Contact ndcc@agriculture.gov.ie
S.I. No. 130/2016 - Notification and Control of Diseases affecting Terrestrial Animals (No. 2) Regulations 2016. (irishstatutebook.ie)
Link to relevant external website
Notifiable in Ireland Yes
WOAH Listed Yes
WOAH Link https://www.woah.org/en/disease/equine-encephalomyelitis-western/